“Feeling excited and energized after connecting with everyone. Thank you for such a fun and engaging event.”
— Sam Frampton
“The refreshing conversation and good energy were so special. Very excited and grateful to be a part of this group of women”
— Steff Zorner
“Amazing format, experience and people to match! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting everyone last night and feel lucky to be a part of such a special group of women.”
— Hope Trumbull
“I loved the conversation and connectivity and am really looking forward to learning from you all and growing with all of you amazing women. ”
— Adeniz Villar
“An amazing night with amazing women. I am so excited to be a part of a network for women, by women and to see it grow, impact and empower so many.”
— Christie Chapman
“Thank you for an incredible evening and for bringing together such an unbelievable group of women! I am so excited to be a part of GLOW!”