Working Mom + Business Exec
Ambitious business exec or nurturing mom? So many women are forced to make this decision, but the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. We need to change the expectation that women must choose between a successful career or a family and women like Amanda Goetz are re-writing the playbook.
Amanda Goetz is a highly successful marketing exec who balances it all. As VP of Marketing of the largest global wedding company, The Knot Worldwide, Amanda leads PR, social, community, brand, partnerships, and product marketing strategies across the company’s international family of brands, including The Knot and WeddingWire. In addition to managing a global team at work, she has a 24/7 lifetime job as a mother of 3.
Amanda led our August virtual GLOW session to share her story and path to success. She discussed balancing work and life, combatting unbiased stereotypes while moving up the ranks, and her advice for how women can plan for a family without jeopardizing a career.
Not a mom boss. Not a girl boss. Just a boss. - Amanda Goetz
From breaking gender stereotypes to focusing on outcome over output and prioritizing your own happiness over other's expectations, Amanda shared incredible insights into creating balance (or rather, coming to terms with constant imbalance) as a working mom.
It's okay if who you thought you were going to be vs. who you actually become changes as you grow & get to understand yourself personally and professionally. Trust yourself and follow the path that feels right
It's impossible to "have it all" ... you need to “have it” then figure out how that works for you. If it’s something you want, you’ll figure out how to make it work for you
"Balance" is a difficult word that creates unrealistic pressures; you can only do so many things in a day. We can always push ourselves to do more. But to what expense and at what extent?
How to set yourself up for success with your company prior to having kids:
Create an outcome vs. output culture with your superiors
Is the company focused on operational excellence? You know what you’re goaled against & you’re aligned on strategy of what goals to get done. Your boss shouldn't care how/ when you do your work as long as you do it.
Companies should set clear OKRs and set the strategy, then let the employee run with it
Create relationships based on trust, transparency & boundaries
Trust in your abilities (let them know you’re going to get your shit done)
Transparency about what you need (going through personal stuff, parental responsibilities, etc.)
Set Boundaries for yourself (proactively communicate when you can be reached and when you're offline to create expectations)
Become a "maker" not a "manager" so it becomes easier to control your calendar and delegate projects to teams
Pro mom tips
Make sure you can afford the two things that matter most: health care & child care. You'll find a way to figure everything else out
Growth hack your life (stroller on Craigslist, "influencer" in exchange for products, nanny share)
Get a great nanny and 5 babysitters you can text at any time
Have your significant other take their leave without you so they get 1:1 bonding experiences. Allow your partner enough time to become confident and capable
Don't feel pressure to be a stay at home mom or a working mom. Both are great. It’s a question of what you get from your career and if you're fulfilled. What makes you happy. Working can be part of your identity, so can parenting.
Don’t idealize what you think motherhood should be. Be okay with however it makes you feel. There’s no one way that you’re supposed to feel when you have kids.
Watch the full session recording here
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