Vision Board Workshop


Also known as dream boards, these simple devices are one of the most valuable visualization tools available to us. The inspirational collages serve as an image of the future – a tangible example, idea or representation of where we want to go.

GLOW member @chrissythompson_ kicked off our first GLOW session of 2020 by leading an interactive workshop to visualize our goals and aspirations for the year to manifest our path forward.

“The feelings and images you hold in your mind will manifest in your life.”

Having never created a vision board, Chrissy took it upon herself to create a structured outline, flow and working session to ensure the group’s creative juices were flowing and each member walked away with a valuable and inspiring vision board to pave the way for 2020.

What is the benefit of a vision board?

Program positive information in your subconscious AND conscious mind to determine what you attract (positive things/goals/feelings).

Whether you believe in the science of programming your subconscious to attract positivity OR just think that seeing something every day would help motivate you to do the work that is required to get what you put on your vision board, either way, the board provides a great mechanism to set goals and expectations with yourself!

Want to create a vision board workshop at home?

Follow Chrissy’s process and flow below.


  1. 8.5x11 paper to for the thought-starter exercise

  2. Posterboard (your foundation)

  3. Magazines, stickers (your visualization)

  4. Scissors, tape, glue, tacks, colorful sharpies (your supplies)


  1. Turn your paper landscape-style.

  2. Draw yourself about an inch tall in the very middle of your paper.

  3. Then add a circle around yourself.

  4. Draw 8 circles of equal size around you.

  5. Add lines from your circle to those circles.

  6. Add “2020” on top of your circle. We’re going to be thinking short-term for this year only.

  7. Draw a line horizontally in the middle of each circle.

  8. Write “Got It” at the top of each circle and “Want It” at the bottom of each circle.

  9. Go through 8 different areas of your life to get the creative juices flowing of what to include on your vision board. Reminder: we’re thinking about this year, 2020.

    1. “Wealth”

      1. in your bank account or investment portfolio today

      2. personal finance, investments, purchasing a home, paying off debt

    2. “Career/Education”

      1. tools, courses, relationships

      2. roles, new ventures, partnerships, media, sales/revenue

    3. “Mental Health/Spirituality”

      1. tools, relationships, practices (meditation, mindfulness, scripture reading, prayer)

    4. “Physical Health/Nutrition”

      1. Tools/cooking appliances, gym memberships

    5. “Love/Relationships”

      1. Parents, Boyfriend/Girlfriend, Friends

      2. Who exactly you are looking for (new) + Deepened relationships

    6. “Travel”

      1. Equipment, connections, travel that is booked, previous experiences

      2. Where you would like to go this year, what you would like to experience, anything else you need in order to do this ex. Scuba certification

    7. “Hobbies/Skills”

      1. Languages, Cooking, Etc.

    8. “Stuff”

      1. Equipment, car, clothes

  10. Now, we’re going to go around and the feeling you would have if you had what you said you wanted in the “Want It” section.

  11. Why we included the “Got It” section - evidence that you have a foundation. Starting to convince your mind of what’s possible.

  12. Take a look through what you’ve created and start thinking about how to visualize these things.

  13. Now time to create your Vision Board!

Tips for Creating Your Vision Board

  1. Try to stick to one thing per category. If you went in multiple directions within one category, that’s fine to do one per subcategory. We just want to ensure you don’t feel too overwhelmed by the vision board and/or let any limiting beliefs/mindset challenges that you may have get the best of you / make you throw up your hands and say “this is all impossible!”

  2. Use a combination of images and statements/quotes/phrases. This helps with subconscious programming / hitting your brain with different types of information! BONUS: Attach your “feeling” words to their associated images for maximum effectiveness.

  3. When choosing words to include on your board, try to avoid anything negative, even if it’s a positive outcome, your mind will still go negative. Ex. Instead of saying “reduce debt” use a positive alternative like “increase net worth” or “financial freedom”

  4. Last, this is your board. If you want to make it material-oriented (ex. The specific car you want, the specific trip you want to go on), go for it! If you want to make it goal/achievement-oriented (ex. I want to make $100,000 this year, get promoted, get engaged, get pregnant), go for it! If you want to make it all about mindset and feelings (ex. I want to feel grounded and confident), go for it! I personally think a combination is probably the most effective, but you probably know yourself and what you find motivating.

What to Do When You Get Home

  1. Place your board somewhere where you will see it every day. Place it at eye level if you can - too high up and your brain may think it’s out of reach, too low and your brain may think it’s unimportant. REALLY.

  2. Take a photo of it and print out copies and place it in MORE places that you see every day. Your bathroom. Over your sink. Your car. Your office.

  3. If you’re really into it, make a collage on and make it your cell phone background image!

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